August 13th, 2006 at 02:36 pm
Yesterday was a great day. I spent the day with my brother and his family and my mom. We had a wonderful dinner together which was unexpected! My SIL had a turkey she was defrosting that my mom had given her and we basically all contributed a little something that looked an awful lot like Thanksgiving dinner! And none of spent much money on it.
I got to introduce my brother to Save-A-Lot and he was impressed. He is going to try to get his wife to shop there. We went out together to buy some stuffing and while we were there we decided to get dessert too. So I caved a bit on the no-spend challenge and spent $3.99 on a Key Lime Pie. The money came out of the grocery money I had sitting in the car, so it was not an extra spend at all. It was cash already withdrawn. Still, I did spend money.
I'm going to continue with the challenge just because it is financially wise to do so. I'm going to pay back the $3.99 to the grocery budget with whatever spare change I can find. I'll work it off.
I got home to a very nice surprise! We have been expecting a check from Toyota for about $200 since March! They said it would take 6-8 weeks. Ha!!! We have since made 20 phone calls to track down this money. It finally came! But it wasn't $200...it was $600!!! Wahoo! Off to the CC you go!
Posted in
August 12th, 2006 at 07:14 am
Shut up brain...shut up brain. It is 2:00 AM and I can not sleep. I am obsessing about finances and it's getting out of control! I went to bed thinking about my water bill. I couldn't stop thinking about putting a stupid bucket in my tub to collect shower water. What could I use? The pink container? Too small. Butter tub? Way too small. My son's art box? What? I can't do that. I should buy one...that's not frugal. I know! The bucket that's in the basement that I currently use as a trash can for my dryer lint. Yes, perfect! Ok, now go to sleep....will it fit? Maybe it's too big. I think it's too big. Maybe it's not. I might as well just get up and get the blasted thing so I could stop thinking about it! That was at 1:00 AM. Here I am again at 2:00 AM. Now I am obsession about a shower gift for a friend who is having twins. Shut up brain! Shut up brain! The shower gift is outside of the no-spend challenge because I forgot about it. How can get I around this? I know! Diapers! I will buy $50 worth of diapers. I can use my "spend $70 get $7" off coupon. What should I spend the other $20 on? Then I had to get up to go write all that down that I can get it off my brain and onto paper.
I hate it when I obsess like this!!!! I really do! Sometimes my obsessions are good and controlled, but sometimes they are just out of hand!
And my other obsession...every time I think about money, I need to write about it! I compose blogs in my head all the time! It's driving me nuts! Before I was blogging, it was posting on the forum. I do this! I go hog wild and then BAM!! it's gone. DH calls them "manic obsessions." He says that's the phase I am in right now. If I wait it out, it will go away. The problem is, this is a GOOD obsession! I don't want this one to go away!
Posted in
August 12th, 2006 at 05:13 am
My drippy water faucet has really been amusing me today. It doesn't seem to take much. This evening, when I "pre-washed" the dishes for the dishwasher, I did it with the "drip" water from my leaky faucet. I filled up one side of the sink and just rinsed and scrubbed in there. The water was disgusting, but they're going straight into the dishwasher anyway. They just needed to be rinsed. It was actually easier too because they soaked while I worked. Always before I had the hot water on full blast as I did this task.
Poor DH thinks I've lost my mind. I'm not asking him to do these crazy things though. The only thing I ask of him is to participate in the no-spend challenges. He even goes without lunch for me on that one! He was so sweet today! I was expecting him home around 3:00 which is when I was going to make a grocery run leaving him with the kids. He decided to work overtime, which was fine with me! So I took the kids to the grocery store which is always a miserable experience. One child is fine and actually helpful, but together is really hard. Also, I can't think and end up spending more. The dear man drove to Kroger to meet me, finish the shopping AND keep the kids while I went home! Too bad I wasn't at Kroger but at Aldi instead. Still, it was such a sweet gesture and I really appreciated it.
It is now after midnight. I really need to start going to bed a decent hour! When school starts up again, I'll be going to bed at 9:00. I get myself so off schedule during the summer. Oddly though I don't wake up too terribly much later. The kids have me up by 7:30-8:00. Must...go...to...bed....
Posted in
August 12th, 2006 at 12:45 am
I like this blogging thing! I get to talk about money whenever I want to and not worry that my post is going to be lame.
I went to Aldi's with my boys in tow this afternoon, which I something I vow never to do again each and every time. This time was no different. [sigh] Individually, they are angels. Together...well.
It was a successful trip, but not as successful as I would have liked. I only spent $93 of the budgeted $200, but I thought it would be less than that. We have enough meals in the freezer for 16 meals, so none of it was dinner related. It was lunch, breakfast and snacks. I'm going to take a closer look at my receipt later. Of course $8.36 of was on milk alone! LOL! We now have 5 and half gallons of milk in the fridge! I didn't realize DH bought some last night. Oh well. We certainly will drink it. I usually try to limit it to 2/wk though.
In any case, I allocated all the money exactly as planned.
I've been conserving water today. I've been collecting water from our drippy sink and am amazed and a bit disgusted at just how much we waste! It's ludicrous, really! I read a tip from some wonderful person on the board which I am going to try, just for fun. (Boy, has my idea of fun changed. LOL!) I'm going to start collecting the water in the shower that runs while it is waiting to get warm. I'm going to use that water to flush the toilet! Not exclusively, of course, but for my own use of that toilet and only if I happen to have the bucket full. You just take off the lid, hold up the floating bulb, flush and fill the tank. Neat idea!
Well, I'm off to read some more interesting blogs!
Posted in
August 11th, 2006 at 03:04 pm
Today is payday! Yay!
DH got about $140 in overtime money. So that brings my checking account padding to $286.84. My goal is to have that amount remaining in my checking account at the end of this pay period. I know most people would hate to have so little in there, but it is a good start for us. That number needs to keep on rising! I would be comfortable with $500 padding. After that, anything above and beyond needs to go to the cards.
Today I need to:
Pull out cash-
$200 for groceries- put in envelope.
From FA- $25X2 for gifts, $60 for Dr. visit and $60 for money I stuck in there until my friends got home from vacation. (Deposit money that came to us but needs to be split between us. Why am I explaining this???) Ok, so from FA I need $170.
Put $100 on gas card.
I can't think of anything else I need to spend money on in the upcoming two weeks. So after everything is taken care of, we should be good for a challenge. We need to get DH's lunches under control though. He's a big boy and I rather think he should take the responsibility of making sure he has lunch the night before, but seeing that he DOESN'T means I need to. It will be easier when I have to start thinking about the kid's packed lunches again. I'll just make his lunch too. But I rather resent having to mother DH too. Thankfully in most situations I do not feel like this, but come on! Plan your own lunch!
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 08:24 pm
LOL! DH called from work today, which is to say he called from his car. The problem with his job and packing lunch is that his office is in the home and the car. Today he had a 10:00 interview with a client and figured he be home for lunch. He got a phone call while out from a client who could meet and blah, blah, blah, he got hungry and had to eat. He called to appologize and I told him it was no problem as long as we would commit to a no-spend two week challenge. The dear man agreed. I knew he would.
As for today, we are spending. My children's best friends, who are also the children of our best friends, are coming for dinner and to spend the night. It was a last minute thing that I decided to do. We're having pancakes, sausage, eggs and O.J. for dinner. Problem is, we don't have any eggs or O.J. We have fake eggs, but their kids won't like them. I adore these kids, so it isn't a problem! I feel bad about spending the money because tomorrow is pay day and shopping day, but again, I do adore these children and there's nothing in the house to eat at this point. Actually, I do have meals in the freezer, but they're pretty much portioned out for four, not six. Anyway, ramble, ramble, ramble.
Tomorrow we start the no-spend challenge right after I hit the grocery store with my list and the gas station. I am putting $100 on my gas gift card which will last two weeks or more. I am taking out $200 cash for groceries and hoping to spend only 1/4 of that or less. Then, it's a no-spend two week period. Here I come!
I think I will go start a thread.
Posted in
August 10th, 2006 at 03:52 am
I am sitting here at 10:44 PM wishing the boards were more active. I am missing the thread about no spending. I really enjoyed that thread. It was rather motivational to me and I enjoyed checking in on everyone's progress. I guess I felt like part of a group reaching toward a common goal. With more than $23,000 in debt, I do not feel very much like part of a group. I feel like the only person striving toward THAT goal.
I put together a grocery list tonight and I should be well under my budgeted amount for the next two weeks. I will shop on Friday. I went through my freezer and I have enough meals in there for 16 dinners, so I will not need to buy any dinner foods. I only need to buy fresh produce and dairy and lunch foods. Oatmeal and yogurt is all we need for breakfast. I need to think about school lunches for the second of the two weeks. I haven't had to do that for a while.
I have purchased all the necessary school supplies, though my youngest son's daycare is likely to come up with a few.
I am thinking about doing a no-spend two week challenge for myself starting on Friday. I think I could get DH to play along. I can't think of any birthdays or anything that would mess it up. My best friends are teachers as well so they won't be wanting to do anything these next few weeks. It's time to veg for the rest of our break and then that first week back is always really draining. We never want to do anything after work that first week back.
I'm going to go search out some interesting blogs now.
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 08:21 pm
I have always had a hard time deciding on a firm budget. I tend to earmark money for many, many things. First I decide to use it for this, then I decide to use the same money for that. So I am trying to firmly make up my mind about how I want our money to be spent. Here is my plan...as of today.
For the full year, I will need $8,000 to fully fund my freedom account. So I think I would like for that account to reach at leat $6000 before using any of it toward the CC. This makes sense in my head, but I am not sure how to explain it. Basically, the budget is like this:
Bi-weekly set up:
grocery: 200 (Everything over this will be saved and sent to the FA)
gas: 100 (Everything over this will be saved and sent to the FA)
FA: 300
CC: 200
That amounts to $800. DH actually makes $820 plus overtime. I think for now anything over $800 should sit in the checking account as padding and misc. funds since we there is nothing in the budget to cover misc. costs.
Further funds: Church job $700
$100 back to the church
$100 401K
$500 CC's (for a total of $700)
My two extra pays per year will go to the cards.
Any tax refund will go to the cards.
Each of us needs to add a dependant to our W-4's which is money we can add to the CC payment.
Posted in
August 9th, 2006 at 01:46 am
I have never "blogged" before,so I thought I would give it a try.
My husband and I are $23,000 in debt. We have been that much in debt for 8 years! It does not go down, it does not go up. It just stays there despite all the money we throw at it. So we are now on board to do our very best at getting rid of it.
Today I am frustrated. I started up a freedom account with $300. The idea is to put $300 in each pay period, every two weeks. Well, the account is now down to $29. We spent it all. And on what? We spent it on school supplies, birthday presents, and pictures from film that needed to be developed. Our budget is so tight.
DH doesn't want to send every single penny to the CC's. He wants to keep some of it for us for spending money. I want to throw everything, everything, everything at the debt. Who's right? Probably both of us. I know I should set up a reasonable amount of money to send to the cards, but it seems that nothing is ever enough for me. $500 would be good...but $600 would be better...so why not $700?
Ok, so as of today, here is our CC debt: $23,707. Let's watch that number fall.
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