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Son learns about money and healthy eating

August 30th, 2006 at 06:49 pm

We came up with an idea for our first grader. He now has the option to purchase lunch at school, as a big first grader. Wink We decided that at the beginning of the week we will sit down with his lunch calendar and decide which meals he would like to buy and which days he would like to pack. Each week he gets $10 regardless. If he packs all week, he keeps $10. If he buys all week, he keeps only $1.25. This motivates him to make some decisions and it makes him responsible for his money and his eating choices. Just like I have to decide if I am willing to pay fast food for lunch or keep my money and pack, so must he make this same decision.

So far, this plan is working well and has raised some good discussions. At first he wanted to buy lunch every day, but he didn't like getting only $1.25. Then he changed it to packing every day. We talked about how it is ok to splurge sometimes and that this money is budget for lunch. He can do what he wants with it. Eventually, he decided to buy three days this week, because the menu options were pretty good.

The best benefit to me is I get to encourage him to choose mostly healthy lunches. I hate soft pretzel day! What kind of lunch is that? And French Toast sticks with syrup????? Come on. If he wants to eat pizza once in a while, that's fine, but let's stay away from the absolute junk.

2 Responses to “Son learns about money and healthy eating”

  1. carol Says:

    Very good decisions there. It's never too early to start teaching kids about how to budget and spend wisely.

  2. mschluckbier Says:

    Oh I so agree!!!!! I think you had a great idea with the budgeting, and I may try that with my 2. they're in K and 1st adn have lunch at school every day. I generally try and pack due to cost, and the absolute HORRID crap they serve at school. I cannot believe what they pass off as lunch, and healthy??? WHATEVER!!!

    So anyways..GO MOM!

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